Cybium special issue

Cybium special issue to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of FishBase

FishBase is the most comprehensive database ever developed on fishes. Created by Daniel Pauly and Rainer Froese in the late 1980s, this database, initially conceived to service the fisheries science community in developing countries for the purpose of improved and sustainable fisheries, has since evolved to cover key information on all the known fishes of the world; 34,650 species with 323,300 common names in 347 languages for 254 countries. This information has been extracted, standardized, and evaluated from over 57,000 references by a team of specialists based in the Philippines. Over 2,400 people from all over the world collaborate with FishBase, which receives about 700,000 visits to the website per month ( As the leading electronic information platform on fish, it has received more citations per year than any other fisheries reference (> 11,000 since its publication). To celebrate the 30th anniversary of FishBase, a symposium will be organized on the 6th and 7th September, 2021, in Paris, France. Closely linked with this symposium, the aim of this special issue is to celebrate FishBase by illustrating and highlighting some of its applications in various fields, including fisheries, ecology, taxonomy, and aquariology.

 Guest editors

Alexander Tilley (Senior Scientist, WorldFish, Vice-chair of the FishBase Consortium,
Fabrice Teletchea (University of Lorraine, Vice-chair of Q-quatics,

The dead-line to send manuscript is December, 30th, 2021.

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